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184 total results found
Administration settings
In the system configuration you will find plenty of fields that will allow you to customise your ...
Necessary Zimbra configuration
Originating IP In a multi-server environment, or any environment running a proxy, a mailbox serv...
IAM 1.0.18 - Wydana 01.06.2023
Nowości Zmieniono sposób wersjonowania aplikacji. Od teraz w prawym górnym rogu wyświetla się ...
ZI-LicenseSystem 1.0.
[10.05.2023] Wersja 1.0.16 Nowości Dodanie wsparcia dla Zimbra 10. [21.06.2022] Wersja 1.0....
ZI-Piler 2.0.
[14.03.2023] Wersja 2.12 Nowości Całkowita przebudowa mechanizmu archiwizującego wiadomości. W...
License reactivation
When you renew your ZI-license for the next year, or increase the number of users, you have to re...
IAM 1.0.1 - 1.0.17
[20.04.2023] F1.0.17B1.10.X Nowości Dodano możliwość wnioskowania o odebranie uprawnień dla uż...
Switch (>1.2.17)
Switch (switch) beta This field allows you to set the value true or false. Allows advanced use ...
Intalio CLS - Configuration
Description Intalio Central Login Service Configuration SystemConfig.json { "SystemUrl":...
Installation or update
Download the latest version of the zimlet package from
Requirements Zimbra 8.8.15 ZI-LicenseSystem ZI-LicenseSystem Unpack installer archive file...
File permissions
Script: /opt/otobo/bin/otobo.SetPermissions.plDirectoriesUser: otoboGroup: www-data Minimum perm...
AdditionalForm (additionalForm) (1.2.2) (BETA) This field allows you to dynamically load additio...
Accepting user's mails
User who is set as a member of the ResponsibleGroups in approvalMap.json file and has the ZI-Mail...
Zimlet configuration Main configuration is done through the config file available under /opt/zim...
Unpack installer archive file *.tar.gz in /tmp/ (as root): tar xvzf ZI-MailApproval-1.6.tar.gz ...
Migrating from IntalioDynamicForms 1.0.x to IntalioDynamicForms 1.2.x
SystemConfig.json OtrsUrl The parameter OtrsUrl has been changed to SystemUrl. The parameter v...
Log in to the Zimbra Administration Console. The ZI-SecurityIncident configuration panel is avail...
User quick guide
After login into the Zimbra Web Client, the user will see the Incident button. To notify about an...
IAM 1.0.19 - Wydana 15.06.2023
Nowości W momencie modyfikacji uprawnienia do już posiadanej przez użytkownika ścieżki profilu...