Unpack installer archive file *.tar.gz in /tmp/ (as root):
tar xvzf ZI-MailApproval-1.6.tar.gz
cd ZI-MailApproval-1.6/
perl ZI-Installer
At the beginning required perl packages will be checked and installed if necessary:
Then script will display configuration summary:
Answer: Y
Enter login and password received with the license.
Choose your license.
Choose: Y
Choose: Y
If You answer Y, the zimbra mailbox will be restarted
After the mailbox restart, zimlet should be installed. To check it, login into the Panel Admin in Your ZCS Server and see Panel Administrator > Migration and tool > ZI-License. There should be information about granted licenses.
In case of the multi server instalation, zimlet must be installed on each mailbox.
Remeber to restart all mailboxes (as zimbra):zmmailboxdctl restart