- Zimbra 8.8.15
- ZI-LicenseSystem
Unpack installer archive file *.tar.gz in /var/tmp/ (as root):
mv /root/ZI-LicenseSystem-x.x.tar.gz /var/tmp/
cd /var/tmp/
tar xzvf ZI-LicenseSystem-x.x.tar.gz
cd /var/tmp/ZI-LicenseSystem-x.x
Run installation script (as root):
perl ZI-Installer --instal-deps
At the beginning required perl packages will be installed:
Answer: Y
Press: Y
Answer: Y
Answer: Y
Enter login and password received with the license.
Choose: 1
Choose: Y
If You answer Y, the zimbra mailbox will be restarted
After the mailbox restart, zimlet should be installed. Now, ZI-SecurityIncident can be installed.
ZI-LicenseSystem must be installed on all mailboxes
Unpack installer archive file *.tar.gz in /var/tmp/ (as root):
mv /root/ZI-SecurityIncident-x.x.tar.gz /var/tmp/
cd /var/tmp/
tar xzvf ZI-SecurityIncident-x.x.tar.gz
cd /var/tmp/ZI-SecurityIncident-x.x
Run installation script (as root):
perl ZI-Installer --instal-deps
Type: Y