License reactivation

When you renew your ZI-license for the next year, or increase the number of users, you have to reactivate your licenese to update the Zimbra server with the new data.

This operation should be done on every Zimbra mailbox server.

The procedure

1. Log to the Zimbra mailbox server as zimbra user

$ sudo su - zimbra

2. Run ZI-LicenseManager command

$ /opt/zimbra/bin/ZI-LicenseManager

3. Enter your login and password from the ZI-License document.

Please enter your login/email: <YOUR_LOGIN>
Enter your password: <YOUR_PASSWORD>

4. Choose your license (insert number)

|                                        Licenses                                       |
| Nr | license_number           | description                                           |
|  1 | nprFvwVdDbOP4N8AjG2noPKa | ZI-License for Intalio ZimbraDemo                     |
|  2 | 8lxJmjMGYsMm2S3bIht84dbh | ZI-License for Intalio ZimbraDemo (for Trial testing) |
Please choose from 1-2 option or type exit
Your option: 1

5. Check your extensions information and proceed if they are correct

|                               Extensions in license number: nprFvwVdDbOP4N8AjG2noPKa                              |
| Nr | name                | extension_number         | start_date | end_date   | version | support    | user_limit |
|  1 | ZI-Access           | JdZSEwqpnXkxPcGGHsQAvXFh | 2019-06-03 | 2099-12-31 | x.x     | 2050-12-31 |       9999 |
|  2 | ZI-Knock            | bLBFfFfwImJEzFXxuBlUYyma | 2020-04-30 | 2035-12-31 | 1.x     | 2050-12-31 |        500 |
|  3 | ZI-MailApproval     | qTAsWHjRxqvYhjhmRBgRPKVP | 2019-06-04 | 2099-12-31 | 2.x     | 2050-12-31 |       9999 |
|  4 | ZI-Piler            | BqHNHIizRKlHUBZlwsJtLGsM | 2019-03-21 | 2099-12-31 | 2.x     | 2050-12-31 |       1000 |
|  5 | ZI-Chat             | ErTpBsMIKZDrxVXgldGxogrD | 2019-06-04 | 2099-12-31 | 2.x     | 2050-12-31 |       9999 |
|  6 | ZI-ADPassword       | OEhUkYOaeVJUQNBwlRYuGnqs | 2019-01-01 | 2099-03-03 | 1.x     | 2024-02-01 |       2000 |
|  7 | ZI-SecurityIncident | LyGXXqyqEtaMmkmKThtGwCLq | 2020-09-11 | 2099-09-29 | 1.x     | 2099-09-11 |     100000 |
|  8 | ZI-PolicyD          | TGYySFbnDuzoRvPthvNumeWr | 2020-09-08 | 2099-12-31 | 2.x.x   | 2050-12-31 |        100 |
|  9 | ZI-PassRecovery     | dbZnpOqxOjQVHGicTWVvRrDR | 2021-07-08 | 2099-12-31 | 1.x     | 2024-05-08 |       9999 |
Proceed? (Y/n or exit): y

6. Check, if every extension in your license is activated (output: New activation - ok)

Downloading license...
Saving license.....
Saving complete!
Activating Main License - version
New zimbra version
Starting activation process.
Message from the activation server: Main license has been activated!
You have the right to activate the license.
New activation - ok
Reponse is 0 
Activate ZI-Access - version 1.8.1....
New zimbra version
Starting activation process.
Message from the activation server: Extension was activated!
You have the right to activate the license.
New activation - ok
Thanks for activation!
Deleting cache...
Cache deleted

######### INFO #########
After license reactivation there's no need to restart zimbra
######### INFO #########

Restart zimbra? (Y/n or exit): n

If the activation process has finished with different output, check Troubleshooting section belowe.

7. You don't have to restart Zimbra, so choose "n"

8. Check if the license info is correct in the Zimbra admin panel (Tools and Migration -> ZI-LicenseSystem)



If the license activiation ends with error

Permission denied at /opt/zimbra/bin/ZI-LicenseManager line 251, <STDIN> line 4.

change the permission of ZiLicense.license file to zimbra (you have to do it as root user)

chown zimbra.zimbra /opt/zimbra/common/conf/ZiLicense.license