
Modules are the main abstract elements of the customer panel. 

If you're looking for the information about adding new custom modules to the Intalio Customer Panel check out this link

Module types

There are two types of modules:

  • Module
    This type of module displays its content (widgets) in the main customer panel section


    This are all examples of modules with type module 

  • Redirect
    Redirects are simply links in the Customer Panel's menu
  • Hidden
    Module is available but is not visible in the menu. It's only available by typing its address in the browser

Each module, regardless of type can be located in the menu. 


Modules configuration

Each module consists of three OTRS configuration options

  1. Modules specific configuration


  2. Module availability (set to 1 to make it available)


  3. Correct module permission - users that are in specified OTRS's group will see given module in the menu and will be able to open the module view


Module customisation

Menu icon


To customise menu icon of the given module find the module configuration in System Config. 


Read more about Customer Panel configuration here

To change default icon go to the icons library and pick the icon that you want to set.


Find the module configuration in System Configuration. 


Paste the new icon name in the icon option. 

Modules menu order

The higher the priority the higher the module is on the menu. 


Module name

You can change the module name in the menu by changing the text setting in the module configuration. 


Setting the module type (module/redirect)

You can change the behaviour of the menu option by setting it's type. 
You can choose between views and redirects. 


If you set the module type to module, selecting the module in the menu will result in displaying its content directly in the customer panel.

User Settings is the example of this behaviour. 



Redirect is simply a link in the menu of the customer panel. It can be used to redirect users to another systems. 


Redirects can be opened in new tab or new window. 
Use mode setting to set proper browser behaviour. 
Available options:
- newWindow
- tab