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184 total results found
ZI-MailApproval - User Guide
Unpack installer archive file *.tar.gz in /var/tmp/ (as root): mv /root/ZI-Piler-x.x.tar.gz /var...
Taking actions on the reservations
If you are a room manager your main task is to accept or reject room reservations requests. Loo...
CKEditor (ckeditor) The CKEditor field allows you to display an advanced text editor. This edi...
HTML/FAQ (faq) Field of type "faq" allows to render any html code. You can use it, for example...
Radio (radio) This field allows you to select one of the available fields. options_style Her...
Overview of the reservations (dashboard)
Open the room management (dashboard) view. If you don't know how to find the dashboard check ou...
ImgButton - Image button - Extended HUB
ImgButton (imgbutton) The "ImgButton" mechanism allows you to create graphic buttons. You can ...
Add new reservation
To open the add new form click on the BOOK or ANOTHER TIME button in the room card. Availab...
Private room
Private rooms are special types of rooms that cannot be booked by regular users. Only room manage...
DateTime (datetime) Example: { "size":"s12 m12", "type":"datetime", "id":"Exam...
SelectField (select) This field allows you to display a list. { "size": "s12 m12", "type"...
Find available room
Go to the main Conference Rooms panel. You can find a detailed description on how to get to the...
CompareField (comparefield) A compareField is a field that allows you to combine values from mul...
Piler configuration
Piler installed from original sources Before installing the ZI-Piler must be install Piler se...
Zimbra configuration
Requirements Piler 1.3.5 or 1.3.8 Zimbra 8.8.15 ZI-Piler Zimlet Information needed: Piler...
Checkbox (checkbox) This field, which someone can select, appears in two versions - as a single ...
Release Notes
ZI-LicenseSystem - Installation and Administration Guide
ZI-SECURITYINCIDENT - Installation and Administration Guide
ZI-PASSRECOVERY - Installation and Administration Guide
Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes
Button (button) download PDF example: { "mode": "PDF", "pdf_action":"download", "quest...
Release Notes
Release Notes
Release Notes
Demo scenariusz 1 - Wniosek standardowy
Wyślemy wniosek o profil Word w systemie Microsoft Office. Wniosek zostanie w pełni przeprocesowa...
Attributes available for each field
Each form must have some fields :D Dynamic forms allow you to create multiple field types. Each f...
Form configuration - virtual panels
Virtual panels allow, for example, to separate thematic sections. If your form is long, you ...
File - File picker
File picker (file) If you want to upload a file to the system, you can do so using the "file" ...