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84 total results found


Dynamic Forms - Installation and Admini... Form configuration - fields

Textarea (textarea) This field allows you to enter longer texts. Its size is determined dynami...


Customer Panel - Installation and Admin... Administration

Modules are the main abstract elements of the customer panel.  If you're looking for the informa...


ZI-CHAT - Installation and Administrati...

Rocket.Chat configuration   Zimbraintegrator role From Administration ->  Permissions ->...

User quick guide

ZI-KNOCK - User Guide

Introduction From user account, there are to types of possible actions: set zimlet preferences...


ZI-KNOCK - Installation and Administrat...

Introduction ZI-KNOCK Zimlet is an easy-to-use tool for securing access to the Zimbra system adm...


ZI-KNOCK - Installation and Administrat...

Installation If ZI-Knock  Zimlet is installed for a first time, ZI-LicenseSystem Zimlet needs to...

Zimlet configuration

ZI-ACCESS - Installation and Administra...

Overview To configure the ZI-Access zimlet, please open the Administration Console > Tools and m...

Installation or update

ZI-ACCESS - Installation and Administra...

It is necessary to have ZI-LicenseSystem already installed in the system prior to any other ZI-* ...


Customer Panel - Installation and Admin... Administration

Introduction Widgets are the basic elements of the customer panel that users interacts with.  W...

System Configuration

Customer Panel - Installation and Admin... Administration

In the system configuration you will find plenty of fields that will allow you to customise your ...

Sorting of fields in the OTRS article

Dynamic Forms - Installation and Admini... OTOBO/OTRS integration

Custom sort: You can use the "order_by" and "order" params. You can find more information here: ...

Customising styles

Customer Panel - Installation and Admin... Administration

The appearance of Intalio Customer Panel can be fully customised.  List of customisable elements...

Application path

Customer Panel - Installation and Admin... Administration

The Customer Panel is closely linked to the Intalio Router Package, which is responsible for rout...

Introduction and Description


Attachment preview is the module allowing user to preview given attachments in the tickets withou...


Dynamic Forms - Installation and Admini... Additional information

Icons are fully compatible with material design If you want to add your icon, you can use all ...

Multilanguage support

Dynamic Forms - Installation and Admini... Additional information

Dynamic forms can support any language. The lower section of the form configuration contains tra...

Field size and responsive web design

Dynamic Forms - Installation and Admini... Additional information

Dynamic forms can work on large, medium and small screens as well as on smartphones. The size of...

Output data structure

Dynamic Forms - Installation and Admini... Additional information

{ "options": { // Section "options" }, "data": { // Section "data" } } Se...

Integration with OTRS

Dynamic Forms - Installation and Admini... OTOBO/OTRS integration

The form system is very strongly integrated into OTRS. Dynamic forms can be connected to any o...


ZI-CHAT - Installation and Administrati...

Installation Instalation is perform by execution following: perl ZI-Installer In case of the m...