Zimbra configuration
The goal of this document is to configure Active Directory authentication for domain addomain.example.com in ZCS Zimbra and integrate it with ZI-ADPassword.
The configuration of AD authentication of the domain is according to the https://wiki.zimbra.com/wiki/Configure_authentication_with_Active_Directory .
Information needed:
- Active Directory administrator DN and passwords
- Active Directory address
Domain configuration
At beginning create the domain addomain.example.com:
zmprov cd addomain.example.com
We configure Active Directory authentication:
zmprov md adzimbraosedemo.int.intalio.pl zimbraAuthLdapBindDn '%u@addomain.local'
zmprov md adzimbraosedemo.int.intalio.pl zimbraAuthLdapSearchBase 'CN=Users,DC=addomain,DC=local'
zmprov md adzimbraosedemo.int.intalio.pl zimbraAuthLdapSearchBindDn 'CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=addomain,DC=local'
zmprov md adzimbraosedemo.int.intalio.pl zimbraAuthLdapSearchBindPassword 'Administrator_password_in_AD'
zmprov md adzimbraosedemo.int.intalio.pl zimbraAuthLdapSearchFilter '(samaccountname=%u)'
zmprov md adzimbraosedemo.int.intalio.pl zimbraAuthLdapURL 'ldaps://ad.addomain.local:636'
- zimbraAuthLdapBindDn - LDAP bind dn for ldap auth mech
- zimbraAuthLdapSearchBase - LDAP search base for ldap auth mech
- zimbraAuthLdapSearchBindDn - LDAP search bind dn for ldap auth mech
- zimbraAuthLdapSearchBindPassword - LDAP search bind password for ldap auth mech
- zimbraAuthLdapSearchFilter - LDAP search filter for ldap auth mech
- zimbraAuthLdapURL - LDAP URL for ldap auth mech
ZImlet configuration
In this step we configure custom authentication for addomain.example.com:
zmprov md addomain.example.com zimbraAuthMech 'custom:ZIADPassword'
zmprov md addomain.example.com zimbraPasswordChangeListener ZIADChangePassword
After this ZI-ADPassword takes control over the authentication process and password changing requests.
Install Active Directory server certificate on every mailbox:
/opt/zimbra/common/bin/keytool -import -alias adserwer -keystore /opt/zimbra/common/etc/java/cacerts -trustcacerts -file /tmp/ad_cert.crt
Restart all mailboxes:
zmmailboxdctl restart